Tips for Staying Hydrated Outdoors This Summer

If you’re planning on spending any time outdoors this summer it is crucial to stay hydrated throughout the hottest time of the year. It is estimated that, on average, around 25,000 people die every day from dehydration and water-related illnesses. That’s a whopping 3-4 million people annually. 

Staying hydrated during camping trips, outdoor events, or other outside activities is essential for your body and mind to make quick, accurate decisions. Not staying hydrated could easily mean the difference between life and death. Follow along to learn several ways to stay hydrated this camping season, including foods to avoid and ways to filter water to make it safe for drinking.

How Much Water Do I Need?

A study done by Harvard University found that the average amount of water that one human needs daily is 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 liters for men. Using this calculation, you can be sure to pack enough water for your entire trip, whether that is one day or five. Bringing enough water for everyone in your group is important, so let’s learn how to do it!

Signs of Dehydration

Our bodies have amazing ways to let us know what it needs, and the crucial need for water is one of the first things that our bodies will tell us if it isn’t getting enough. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are 7 unique signs of dehydration that, when listened to, can help us remember to stay hydrated and provide ourselves with enough water. 

Feeling thirsty is the first and most obvious sign of dehydration that your body will experience. However, if you ignore this warning sign, you could experience other symptoms that are much more severe. The 7 signs of dehydration are:

  • Having dark-colored urine
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Sunken eyes
  • Rapid breathing
  • Sleepiness and fainting
  • Very dry skin

If you start to experience any one or several of these symptoms, you should drink water immediately and follow it up with a visit or a doctor or urgent care. Dehydration can lead to other internal issues that could go unchecked without a professional checking you out.

What To Pack During Day Trips for Hydration

Day trips are the easiest types of outings to forget to bring enough water. Many people think that if they are just going out for a day that not much water is required. However, depending on your activities, geographic location, and weather patterns, you may find that you’ve run out of water during the hottest part of the day. 

Packing extra water on day trips, especially with activities like hiking with elevation changes, can be done easily. Use hydration packs to bring along liters of water or pack extra water bottles in a regular backpack for easy use. Be sure to bring enough water for everyone, including children and pets that are out with you.

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How To Bring Water on Camping Trips

If you are camping at a developed campground or in an RV, you may find that bringing a refillable water bottle for each person in your group is sufficient for your trip. However, if you are planning on extra activities such as hiking, watersports, or land sports, you’ll want to be sure to pack more water than usual.

Boondockers and dispersed campers, however, will want to carry in their water supply as these types of camping experiences usually do not have access to clean drinking water. Five-gallon water jugs with automatic dispensers work well for large groups, but smaller groups of campers may choose to use alternative methods to clean their water on-site to avoid having to carry heavy water supplies across campsite access trails.

Group hiking in the sun to convey hydration tips for summer while camping

Foods To Eat and Avoid

Another great way to stay hydrated during camping trips and other outings is to be sure to avoid foods that cause dehydration as well as eat foods that help to rehydrate throughout the day. Salty and sweet snacks are the number one type of food to avoid if you are trying to stay hydrated throughout the day. Alcohol, protein, fried food, and parsley are other foods that can dehydrate you. Nuts and other proteins are good to provide you energy, but there is a fine balance between just enough and too much.

If you are trying to stay hydrated, opt for water-filled fruits like watermelon and strawberries. Cucumber, lettuce, and skim milk are all excellent sources of water as well, so a breakfast of skim milk and granola cereal is a great way to start your day off hydrated and refreshed. 

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How To Create Clean Drinking Water

If you are not bringing a lot of extra water on your next camping trip or outing, the best alternative for staying hydrated is to bring a way to clean water that you find outside. If you’re camping in places like Wyoming or Utah, you may have trouble finding water, but in other areas that aren’t so dry, a cool river could provide plenty of drinking water, as long as you know how to properly filter it. LifeStraws and water purification tablets are easy to carry and store and can make even the dirtiest water clean and safe enough to drink.

Holding a bottle of water with mountains in backdrop to convey hydration tips for summer

Learn More Ways To Stay Hydrated with BookOutdoors

With BookOutdoors, you can find your next amazing camping trip, whether that is dispersed camping or a fancy glamping experience. You should always bring extra water no matter which type of trip you take. Learn more about what to expect on your next camping trip and find your perfect campsite with BookOutdoors and remember to leave no trace!

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